Arm Lift / Buttock Lift / Thigh Lift in Memphis, TN, with Dr. Lachica
Aging or weight loss can cause the skin to become less elastic and less resilient. This may result in irreversibly loose, hanging skin in the arms, thighs, buttocks, and hips. It may become difficult to wear close-fitting clothing, short sleeves, and swimwear.
Even athletes or avid exercisers may experience sagging skin as a result of being very fit and having a very low body mass index (BMI). This can also result in – sagging skin that has little chance of improvement. Paradoxically, exercising more in an attempt to “firm up” or “tone” these areas may produce more weight loss and worsens the problem.
Massive weight loss from diet or surgery can produce more skin excess and greater challenges to appearance and function, such as chafing.

A surgical arm lift, thigh lift, or buttock lift is designed to remove excess skin using concealed incisions to help tighten, firm, and smooth contours — making it easier to be proud of a more youthful and more attractive body.
Surgical procedures to remove excess skin require incisions. Scars are a necessary trade-off in the process of achieving your desired shape. No scar is invisible. Dr. Lachica is an expert at designing the surgery that will minimize and help conceal the scar as much as possible!
To learn about how arm lift, buttock lift, or thigh lift can benefit you, contact The Langsdon Clinic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Roberto Lachica. Dr. Lachica is a board-certified plastic surgeon with more than 20 years of experience performing aesthetic procedures for contouring of the arms, thighs, and buttocks.
What Is an Arm Lift?
An arm lift, or brachioplasty, is a surgical procedure that uses incisions to remove excess skin and fat from the upper arm and tighten the remaining tissues to improve contour. The procedure improves “batwings,” where loose skin and fat hang down from the arms when held out to the sides. The result is a more youthful-appearing, tighter, and toned upper arm. Short sleeves and even sleeveless garments become easier to wear.
Brachioplasty uses precisely-designed surgical incisions that leave incision lines that are concealed as much as possible. It may be combined with simultaneous or staged liposuction for extensive fat reduction. It may also be combined with other skin- tightening procedures for a more complete body rejuvenation.
Am I a Candidate for Arm Lift?
You are a great surgical candidate for arm lift if you have loose, hanging skin in your upper arms AND:
- You have a low body mass index (BMI <30)
- Your excess arm tissue is mostly skin and less fat
- Your weight is stable
- You have no medical conditions that might make surgery riskier or impair healing
- You do not smoke (or are able to give up smoking for several weeks before and after your procedure
How is an Arm Lift Performed?
Dr. Lachica uses surgical incisions to remove excess skin from the upper arm and tighten the remaining skin.
The shape and length of incisions are precisely designed to remove the maximum amount of skin and conceal the final surgical scar as much as possible.
The surgical scars are located in the:
- Armpit (axilla). A short horizontal scar that is concealed.
- Inner upper arm. Extends from armpit toward elbow crease. Mostly concealed.
- Back of the upper arm (alternative to inner arm). Removes maximum skin and fat when the arm is thicker and cosmesis is less of a priority. Slightly less concealed.
In general, the surgical scar is “J” shaped and camouflaged in the armpit and inner surface of the upper arm. It is usually not visible when the sleeveless arm is seen from the front, back, or side.
Dr. Lachica does not use a “T” scar, nor does he extend the scar onto the flank or forearm.
What Is a Buttock Lift?
”Buttock lift” is a misnomer. This surgical procedure actually lifts BOTH the buttocks and the hips! Hips (“saddlebags”) refers to the loose skin and fat that hangs off the sides along the hip and thigh bones.
The procedure uses incisions to remove excess skin and fat along the entire backside and hip that cause the buttocks and hips to sag. The remaining tissues are pulled upward, resulting in higher, rounder buttocks and tighter, smoother hips.
The procedure uses precisely designed surgical incisions that are concealed as much as possible.. Many patients undergoing buttock lift have already had a successful abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) and now desire correction of their backside to match the contour of their front, achieving what is known as a circumferential, or “total lower body lower lift.”
Am I a Candidate for a Buttock Lift?
You are a great surgical candidate for buttock lift if you have loose hanging skin that causes your buttocks and hips to sag, you have a low BMI, and your excess tissue is mostly skin and less fat.
How is a Buttock Lift Performed?
Dr. Lachica uses “butterfly” shaped surgical incisions to remove excess skin and fat along the entire backside – starting at the tailbone, curving above the buttocks, and ending at the hips.
These incisions are designed to remove the least amount of skin at the tailbone and the most skin at the hips and to pull the remaining tissues upward. The remaining tissues are tightened.
The surgical scar:
- is a single “heart-shaped” incision that extends along the entire backside and mimics the upper curves of the buttock cheeks
- meets the previously healed abdominoplasty scar in the front
- is concealed by a thong-shaped undergarment or swimsuit
Buttock Augmentation with Autologous Fat
Otherwise known as “Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL),” which is also a misnomer, this surgical procedure transfers fat suctioned from the flanks, abdomen, back, and thighs to the buttocks. It does not actually “lift” the position of the buttock. It does, however, help develop a larger, rounder, and smoother buttocks.
Dr. Lachica performs this procedure only on carefully selected patients. The ideal candidate is young, not excessively obese, has smooth, elastic (resilient) skin, and ample fat located in the donor areas to produce 300-700 cc of donor fat for each buttock cheek. As a reference, 240 cc = 8 oz = 1 cup.
Patients with loose, dimpled, or sagging skin in the donor areas may develop contour deformities after suctioning. Additionally, patients with significant buttock sag may experience inadequate correction after fat transfer. Patients who wish to use exclusively abdominal fat for buttock enlargement often undergo staged abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) at a later date.
BBL, unlike true surgical lifting procedures, does not involve large incisions. Nevertheless, it does have several safety considerations and unique risks. To maximum safety, Dr. Lachica performs this procedure only under general anesthesia in an accredited surgical facility.
What Is a Thigh Lift?
A thigh lift, or medial thighplasty, is a surgical procedure that removes excess, loose skin and fat from the upper and inner (medial) thigh, helping to tighten, firm, and improve smoothness of thigh contour.
The procedure uses precise surgical incisions that are designed to help conceal scars in the upper inner thigh crease and along the inner aspect of the thigh itself. Very commonly, patients undergoing thigh lift have already had a successful abdominoplasty (tummy tuck). They now desire correction of their thighs to match the contour of their lower abdomen and groin.
How is a Thigh Lift Performed?
Dr. Lachica uses surgical incisions to remove excess skin from the upper and inner thigh. The shape and length of incisions are precisely designed to remove the maximum amount of skin and help improve concealment of the final surgical scar.
The remaining tissues are tightened and closed in two layers.
The surgical scars are located in the:
- Groin crease. For moderate upper thigh excess. This incision can usually be concealed by undergarments.
- Inner thigh. A downward extension of the groin scar used for significant thigh skin laxity (vertical and horizontal direction). Extends from groin towards knee.
- In general, the surgical scar is “J” shaped and camouflaged in the groin and inner surface of the thigh. It is usually not visible when the thigh is seen from the front, back, or side.
Dr. Lachica does not use a “T” scar, nor does he extend the scar past the knee.
Am I a Candidate for a Thigh Lift?
You are a great candidate for thigh lift if you are in good health and you have loose, excess hanging skin in your upper or inner thigh that causes difficulty wearing undergarments, swimwear, or close-fitting trousers.
Why Choose Dr. Lachica at The Langsdon Clinic as My Memphis Plastic Surgeon?
Dr. Lachica is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He in his 24th year of practice.
He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Plastic Surgery. He has performed aesthetic surgery during the entirety of his career. He has devoted a significant component of his career performing complex reconstruction (including microsurgery) of the extremities, breast, and trunk. He applies his accumulated skill and experience to every procedure. Using his knowledge of anatomy and aesthetic vision, he strives to deliver excellent outcomes that are customized to each patient’s unique goals.
Dr. Lachica has received multiple peer-selected awards from Memphis Magazine Top Plastic Surgeons and Castle Connolly America’s Best Plastic Surgeons. He has been recognized by Memphis Health and Fitness Readers’ Choice Best Plastic Surgeons.
His peer-reviewed contributions to the literature appear in Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, Breast, and Craniofacial Surgery.
What to Expect during your Consultation with Dr. Lachica
At The Langsdon Clinic, we personalize each procedure to achieve each patient’s unique aesthetic goals. Dr. Lachica’s approach synergizes with ours.
During your consultation, Dr. Lachica will first ensure that you are a good candidate for surgery. He will learn your goals, review your surgical options, and recommend and explain the procedure(s) that will most effectively and safely fulfill these goals. He will help you visualize these changes using your preoperative photos and long-term postoperative photos of those he has treated.
Dr. Lachica will design your procedure based on your own unique anatomy with the goal of producing the best possible aesthetic result with an emphasis on safety.
Memphis Arm Lift / Butt Lift / Thigh Lift FAQ’s
On-site at the Langsdon Clinic’s Germantown Ambulatory Surgery Center, or other local ambulatory surgery centers.
General anesthesia.
Yes. In general, these procedures are performed on an outpatient basis.
Depending on the number/extent of procedures, anywhere from 2 to 5 hours.
Yes, usually 1 per surgical site.
Antibiotics, acetaminophen (Tylenol), and if necessary, a narcotic(stronger/pain medication)/antiemetic (for nausea). Certain conditions may require postoperative medication to decrease risk for blood-clotting).
3 days. Assess swelling/early wound healing.
2-3 weeks. Check for infection/remove drains.
3 months. Assess intermediate result.
1 year. Assess final aesthetic result/scars.
The risk for bleeding and infection for these procedures is actually small. Potential issues specific to these procedures have more to do with wound healing problems and fluid collections. Dr. Lachica performs a careful risk assessment for postoperative blood clotting. Risks with any type of surgery may include death, blindness, bleeding, infection, blood clot, stroke, heart attack, poor healing, excessive scarring, numbness, paralysis, discoloration, distortion, asymmetries, reaction to anesthesia or other medications, or other impairments.
What Can I Expect During my Postoperative Recovery?
Activity – Walking once or twice on the evening of surgery minimizes the chances of developing a blood clot. This is subsequently increased to 4-6 times daily. In general, a return to normal daily activities is possible in the first or second week after surgery.
Exercise – Light (low-impact) exercise can be performed the first and second week after surgery. This can be increased to more strenuous exercise in the third and fourth week.
Physical limitations – In general, these are specifically geared towards optimal healing (preventing excessive stress on the surgical incisions). For example, after an arm lift, we discourage lifting the arms above the level of the head for 2 weeks. For a buttock lift/augmentation, we discourage sitting directly on the incisions for at least 2 weeks.
Compression garments – used almost uniformly after surgery for support and comfort, and to minimize swelling.
Schedule Your Memphis Plastic Surgery Consultation Today
Contact The Langsdon Clinic today to schedule a consultation with Dr. Lachica for Arm Lift, Thigh Lift, and Buttock Lift. Patients seeking plastic surgery in Memphis have chosen Dr. Roberto Lachica and the Langsdon Clinic time and again because of their natural and balanced results and emphasis on safety. If you would like to partner with one of the best plastic surgery practices in America, we invite you to call 901-755-6465 or reach us online today.